How to serve better to your customers

It is very old saying that if you customer is happy then only you’ll be happy!!

To Serve customer better there are many key things to keep in mind:

  • Always understand customer’s business. We can not provide best solution to our customer until we have deep knowledge of their business.
  • Transparent & open communication pays major role to avoid last time hurdles.
  • Solution should be most optimized to deliver better performance.
  • Always open to discuss things no mater how small or big it is.
  • Support system should be aligned to user’s time-zone if possible.

Success comes from mutual responsibilities from both sides. So it is also required for customer to play some responsibilities as below:

  • Customer should also be responsible to explain their business problem in best informative/transparent way.
  • Customer should be open to discuss things and always try to clear doubts.

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