Salesforce Einstein: A Deep Dive

Today, everyone is moving to use new technologies to make their jobs easier and more productive.

AI would be the most demanded technologies in near future. The best part of AI is its brain which is machine Learning. From morning till night AI would play a major role to design how we live our life.

Through AI, it will be easy for us to make our assumptions more solid because now it has its own base that is a lot of data.

Salesforce introduced a new platform to support AI called “salesforce Einstein”.

Although we are always using AI in our life through many big portals like Facebook’s image tagging, Siri/Cortana or Amazon that suggest products to its customers using machine Learning Algorithm.

As soon as Salesforce introduced Einstein now it is easier to analyse customer’s historical data so that we can suggest customer in more connecting way what he would like.

Salesforce take cares of data part (building model of correct data set which is a biggest challenge in itself) so we just need to focus on CRM part because Salesforce has built AI right in to CRM Apps.

AI is not limited to any specific role. Any one can use AI in Salesforce, does not matter if he is from Sales/Service/Marketing/IT.

So, what you are waiting for Let’s move to AI now and make your business more successful.

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