Event Timeline
To get the latest updates related to different events which are conducted from time to time in Zordial Technologies. This is the right place to have a look. Here we serve you a guide about the fun activities and various events.

Umang 2k24
🎉 Moments of Joy at Umang 2024! 📸 We had an amazing time celebrating our achievements and creating lasting memories with our incredible team. Swipe through to feel the energy and excitement of the day!

Dreamforce 2024
Dreamforce is an annual technology conference hosted by Salesforce, bringing together a diverse community of industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts.

Bharat Dreamin 2k24
Bharat Dreamin 2k24 is set to be an exciting event for technology enthusiasts, developers, and Salesforce professionals across India. This annual gathering celebrates innovation, collaboration, and the spirit of learning within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Celebrating The Glory of Our Wonderful Journey that Inspires Talents with Remarkable Achievement

UMANG 2k22
We celebrate UMANG every year to mark the completion of our Work Anniversary. Recently we have done this UMANG event which puts an enthusiastic and energetic atmosphere among our team members. We are keen to let you know about the various programs, activities, dance preparations and a lot of prizes and certificates are there. We give awards and accolades to the most desirable candidates of our organization.

Appreciation: Success Party
In order to celebrate our many successes, appreciation & team work together & management is planning a success party. We organize that type of parties to maintain the confidence and enthusiasm of our employees.

Badminton Sport Tournament
Our Company organizes various sports related activities and one of them is a badminton tournament. To spread the extra co-curricular activities in our company. These types of games are organized on a regular basis. It can be fun and updating this step by step guide to generate awesome tournaments.

Fun Activity
Every Friday we have various types of fun activities in our organization. This includes different types of games and everyone takes part in that kind of activity.