Attending Dreamforce between 17th to 19th September, 2024 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. To schedule a meeting with our team please send an email at :

One stop solution for tracking user activities

There is a recurring issue where unauthorized data access and changes occur. Tracing these modifications become a complex task, especially in large organizations with a vast number of employees.

To address this issue, we are introducing a product Summary360. This tool allows us to monitors and tracks the activities of all users between two consecutive logins, giving all the users a clear view of what happened while they were away.Inside the org (no need to login on other sites)

  • Any data created or modified on any object can be tracked
  • Any user having the necessary permissions can track the changes
  • Doesn’t require any new user licenses

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If you have more queries then you can connect to our HR Dept: +91-8233770959 OR Sales Dept: +91-7976268788
