Attending Dreamforce between 17th to 19th September, 2024 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. To schedule a meeting with our team please send an email at :

Consumer Goods Cloud

Consumer Goods Cloud is Salesforce's solution designed specifically for the consumer goods industry. It provides tools to optimize sales, streamline supply chain management, and enhance field operations. With features like real-time data insights, mobile accessibility, and automated processes, it helps companies manage product distribution, improve retailer relationships, and drive sales performance.

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How Zordial helps you in Consumer Goods Cloud services

Consumer Goods Cloud enables better decision-making and operational efficiency, supporting growth and innovation in the industry and we help you to set it up for your organisation to enhance your market presence, improve efficiency, and drive growth in a competitive industry.

  • Enhanced Sales Efficiency

    Optimizes sales processes and improves field sales productivity with real-time data and mobile tools.

  • Streamlined Supply Chain

    Improves supply chain management and inventory visibility, reducing stockouts and overstocking.

  • Data-Driven Insights

    Provides actionable analytics and insights to drive strategic decisions and optimize operations.

  • Increased Market Responsiveness

    Enables quicker response to market changes and consumer demands with agile, data-driven strategies.

  • Improved Operational Efficiency

    Automates routine tasks and integrates processes for smoother operations and reduced manual effort.
